What is failure? Or maybe I should say what is failure not? After my husband lost his job, thoughts of failure flooded my head. Even though things happen beyond our circumstances, there were things we as a family could have and should have done better. I must say I struggle with having it all together and at that time God began to show me that failure is not about our circumstances as compared to the world's standard. But that my significance lies in who I am as his child and praise God I am a child of a King! Therefore, what does God require of his children? I think most of us know that word we all love to hate! Obedience. The apostle Paul, asked God three times to remove the "thorn in his flesh" and God said, "my grace is sufficient for you". Yes, we have all made some unwise decisions in our lives but God's grace promises to be sufficient for us no matter the circumstances.
2 Corinthians 12: 7-9