September 11, 2010
A New Creation
Most recently our oldest child was baptized. Even though his "conversion" happened several years ago, he most recently made the decision to follow Christ in baptism. The Bible says that when we decide to follow Christ, the old creature passes away and we become new. Several days ago, I went into the bathroom to find my daughter had my curlers in her hair. She wants to be made new (different hair that is)! It reminded me of our human desire to be transformed. Are we ever happy with the way things are? There is always something else to desire! As a believer, Christ desires to transform me. Only through adversity (there is that word again) is he able to shape and mold me into becoming Christ-like. I will never reach that goal here while on earth, but I thank God for willingness to transform in spite of myself!
September 8, 2010
Couponing 101
One of the things I began to do after my husband lost his job was to coupon. I meet many people that ask me to show them how it is done. It is amazing how much money you can save. I do not ever want to go back to paying full price for grocery items. I basically taught myself to coupon after a friend told me about the Southern Savers website. If you are local to the Birmingham area, there will be a coupon class next Thursday night, September 16th, at First Baptist of Pelham. If you are looking to get started I would suggest this class. The cost is ten dollars and you can register at their website by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page! Even if you are not in the Birmingham area, there still may be workshops in your area. Be sure and check it out!
September 7, 2010
The Moth and the Ant, a Childhood Tale
Most recently my son came in from playing on a hot summer day. In his most serious tone, he said "Mama there is a dead moth outside and the ants have torn it apart". He went on to explain to me that this scenario was much like what the men did to Jesus before he was hung on the cross. All the sudden I was hit with one of those rare gold nuggets we parents like to call "a teachable moment". I went on to tell him that yes he was right, that is exactly was what was done to Jesus. He could have called ten thousand angels to rescue him instead because of his love for us he chose to die a humiliating death. I am reminded from my son's observation on that day that Jesus faced the ultimate adversity. He was despised and yet he was willing to do the work of the Father. My prayer today is that I be willing to face the hard times because he walked the path before me. He laid down his life, the ultimate sacrifice. Gonna close with my son's favorite verse:
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.
Colossians 3:23
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.
Colossians 3:23
September 5, 2010
Finding Faith in the Face of Adversity
Hello. My name is Karen Holsomback. Welcome to my first post. I am super excited about writing about my experiences over the last two years. Let me say first of all I am a believer and follower of Jesus Christ. I am a wife and a mother of two precious children. In August of 2008, my husband lost his job. I know that their are so many others in this situation, so let me say that this is my story. We probably knew that the job loss was coming but it is so difficult to be prepared for something of this magnitude. If you asked me two years ago what was my biggest fear, I would have told you this. You see I am a stay-at-home Mom and we depend on the income of my husband. You know we serve such an amazing God that when trials come, he uses in our lives to serve many purposes. Let me also say that the one thing that kept me sane in over a year of my husband's unemployment is my faith, hence the title of my blog. I hope you will continue to follow as I share my story..........
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