September 14, 2010

My Ground Zero

The days that followed after my husband lost his job I will look back and refer to as the "dark days".  I touched briefly on my husband's job loss in 2008 in my first blog.  This is one of the events in my life that prompted me to start this blog.  There were days of feeling hopeless and not knowing how God was going to provide.  There were days of uncertainty and anxiety, but through it all my hope was in God's promise through his word that he would take care of our family.  Let me say also, that we have a wonderful support group of friends and church members.  They were an incredible encouragement in those "dark times".  Following 911 this year, we watched a documentary on Ground Zero at our church.  It was a story of hope for the men that served at Ground Zero during this tragic time.  Some of you may remember this from the news, but at one point in the clean-up a steel cross appeared. To those men it was a symbol of hope at a time when things appeared hopeless.  As I look back on my dark days, Christ was my hope.  In no way am I trying to compare job loss to the loss of life that happened on September 11, 2001.  Loss is a part of life and happens in different ways.  I do know that in all situations in life, that hope lies in the very essence of what Christ did on the cross!

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